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Kildimo National School, Kildimo, Co. Limerick
Confirmation 5th & 6th Class 2025 School Confirmation Ceremony: 18th March  | Mid-Term Break February Kildimo NS will be closed 17th February - 21st February 2025 for Mid-Term Break 2025
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Welcome/Mission Statement


Our Vision

The staff of Kildimo NS will strive to promote the success of all pupils by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a vision that is shared and supported by the community. This vision will manifest itself through a culture of collaboration and mutual support, through a climate of openness and trust. We endeavour to provide an environment in which every individual is cared for spiritually, morally, intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally. We aspire to inspiring a passion for learning through the creation of a stimulating atmosphere where all pupils can recognise and achieve their fullest potential, regardless of ability, within a secure, caring and inclusive environment. We plan strategically, conscientiously and creatively to implement a curriculum that reflects the educational, cultural, social and economic needs of our school community. We aim to promote the active involvement of teachers, parents, management, church and the wider community in this learning process. We hope to engender a strong sense of local identity in pupils and encourage them to make their best contribution to their community. We will continue to promote and participate in cultural and sporting activities synonymous with Kildimo's rich heritage and traditions. We will celebrate the uniqueness of each person and endeavour to enable  each pupil to meet with confidence and assurance the demands of life both now and in the future. We aim to perpetuate Kildimo National School’s place as a ‘Luach Maigh’ (reward field) for the entire school community.