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Kildimo National School, Kildimo, Co. Limerick
Confirmation 5th & 6th Class 2025 School Confirmation Ceremony: 18th March  | Mid-Term Break February Kildimo NS will be closed 17th February - 21st February 2025 for Mid-Term Break 2025
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This English whole school literacy plan is regularly  reviewed and updated.

A review of materials and strategies took place in May 2010 and May 2011. The specific areas of Infant reading Skills, Comprehension, the Writing process and Grammar were addressed as part of Kildimo NS Literacy Strategy. An additional review of resources took place resulting in an updated inventory of texts, programmes and other related literacy schemes being compiled for each class level in Oral language, Reading and Writing. The decision was made to teach infant reading skills through a synthetic phonics approach. 

This English Whole School plan was reviewed in May 2014 as part of the 3- year Whole School Literacy Strategy and shows  strong performance in early reading skills in particular. A key component of the Whole School Plan from September 2014 is  the focus on the explicit teaching of comprehension strategies and development of vocabulary study 3rd to 6th classes.

Digital literacy is a developing area in the literacy programme in Kildimo NS. There has been significant investment in IT (interactive whiteboards, chromebooks, beebots, ipads) and all classes have access to same. Class emails have been created and we aim to have all students engaging directly in digital literacy projects for the academic year. 

(To view  the full English Literacy Plan please ask at the office.)

Rationale: In Kildimo N.S., we are committed to the holistic development of all pupils.  We see the development of their fluency in the English language as being central to this process.  We believe that the ability of our pupils to communicate fluently, confidently and effectively will contribute greatly to the development of their self-esteem and their personal growth.  We also believe that their academic progress depends to a large extent on their ability to communicate orally and through the written word. In our school, therefore, we attach a high priority to giving pupils a command of English.

Aims of the English Literacy plan: Promote positive attitudes and develop an appreciation of the value of language – spoken and written.

This is central to the ethos of Kildimo N.S. – being a friendly and encouraging school for all pupils. Emphasis is placed on freedom of expression. Children are encouraged to greet their peers cordially. Teachers and other adult visitors to the school are to be spoken to with respect and in appropriate settings. Literature is valued in the school – encouraging the use of library, visits of authors, book clubs, World Book Day, Book Fairs, Book Club etc. Children’s written work is displayed and valued.


Create, foster and maintain the child’s interest in expression and communication.

Children are actively encouraged to address guests to the school. At all times, it is encouraged that the children will see it as their responsibility to represent their school through language in these situations. Children will have opportunity to address a wide range of individuals throughout their school life with courtesy and confidence. Children will also be  afforded opportunity to address the teachers in school – seeking information, delivering messages etc.

Develop the child’s ability to engage appropriately in Listener- Speaker relationships.

Children are encouraged to listen to their teachers and to their peers with due attention to codes of conduct – pausing to let the other person speak – making the other person aware of their own need for communication and finally, giving their opinion.

Children are encouraged to listen to points of view which may differ from their own. Debating may  be formally introduced in the senior standards. Children also get practice in making presentations for projects,

Develop confidence and competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

 Children will experience “Circle Time” as a safe forum for the development of confident speaking and constructive listening. Situations for group discussion will be created through problem solving exercises, project work, quizzes, drama activities at all class levels.

Children will be encouraged to perfect writing skills through our policy of “draft /redraft” in creative writing. Children will see the final product as worthwhile and reflective of their efforts. Work will be displayed so as to create an audience for this endeavour.

Children will be afforded the opportunity to speak in front of an audience in the class situation, at school assemblies, at school concerts, at school masses and at the Christmas shows. 

Develop cognitive ability and the capacity to clarify thinking through oral language, writing and reading.

 A wide variety of materials and strategies will be used to achieve this aim: PM teachers, Class Debates, discrete Vocabulary lessons, Development of comprehension  strategies, Research tools and materials (I.T., reference books, interviewing techniques etc.) Brainstorming, Mind mapping.

Enable the child to read and write independently.

 Children are enabled to read through the use of strategies as outlined by the New Curriculum. . Emphasis is placed on early acquisition of skills in reading and writing. Junior children will be supported in small groups through intervention of Class Teacher and S.E.T.  Shared Reading is key to this process and enhanced through the involvement of Parents or Guardians. Paired reading, with senior children reading with junior children is encouraged.  Junior and Senior Infant children are progressed rapidly through synthetic phonic readers, developing blending skills and fluency of reading. 

Throughout the school, real books are promoted in the classroom reading lesson. Each class from 1st class upwards engages with a class novel and Library stock is updated regularly through funding, book clubs, Dept. grants, book- swap etc. Reading is promoted as a pleasurable activity.

Children are taught penmanship in the cursive style throughout the school. Emphasis is placed on a high standard of presentation of work.

There is a whole school approach to the teaching of writing. Writing begins in Junior Infants and free writing is promoted in the Junior Classes. Children are taught to write in a range of genres and specific months are chosen for each genre. 

The “draft redraft” method of creative writing is promoted within the school. Children see their written work as valued by their teachers and peers. Writing genres of Recount, Narrative, Report, Persuasive, Discussion, Response, and Correspondence are taught.


Enhance emotional, imaginative and aesthetic development through oral, reading and writing experiences.

 Children are encouraged to express opinions and emotions through the English language curriculum. Children are provided with thought provoking passages, dilemmas, role-play opportunities, issues of current affairs etc. with the emotional response in mind. Children will be given DEAR  time in class on a regular basis in order to foster independent reading. Children will be encouraged to view reading as a pleasurable activity.

Children will be afforded opportunity to enter Writing Competitions, Readathons, Sponsored Reading, Drama events and other school events- highlighting the central role of language in the school curriculum.


Broad Objectives, Content and Methodologies

The broad objectives, content and methodologies for the teaching and learning of oral language, reading and writing are detailed in this document. Each of these areas is presented under the four strand headings of the Revised English Curriculum, and reflects best current practice and pedagogy.


  • Receptiveness to language
  • Competence and confidence in using language
  • Developing cognitive abilities through language
  • Emotional and imaginative development through language


  • Receptiveness to language
  • Competence and confidence in using language
  • Developing cognitive abilities through language
  • Emotional and imaginative development through language


  •  Receptiveness to language
  • Competence and confidence in using language
  • Developing cognitive abilities through language
  • Emotional and imaginative development through language